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High Holidays 2023

Rosh Hashanah- September 15th - September 17th, 2023
Yom Kippur- September 24th - 25th, 2023

Spend the High Holidays with us

Dear Friends:

As the High Holidays approach, we have been reflecting with gratitude to Hashem, and hopeful prayers for the future, on the growth of our beloved West Side Sephardic.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of our synagogue in 1998.  We are proud to have grown from a start-up congregation hustling to find a Minyan in a kosher restaurant to a full-service synagogue operating in a beautiful Makom in thriving partnership with WSIS, all in our trademark Ruah’ and spirit of Ahavat Yisrael. When I hear the sounds of our children praying in the ancient tunes and seeing their tradition alive in NYC, I am reminded of the importance of our vision in continuing our rich heritage and showcasing it to others. I dare say that we are doing right by our ancestors.

We need your help to ensure our future and that of our children. We are, BH, a full-fledged Sephardic center of prayer, learning, and education on the Upper West Side.  The costs of operating a synagogue are immense.  To date, a very small number of families have shouldered our budget.  While no one will ever be turned away because of cost, we do need everyone to contribute to the extent of their capacity.

Please join us in supporting our High Holidays appeal by giving here.  You may give in one lump sum, or schedule installments as you feel comfortable. Additionally, please take out your membership today by clicking here.

Our membership rates are:
 $1,800 per family
$1,200 per couple
$760 for individuals. 

These are on the low end for the Upper West Side synagogues.  However, in order for us to defray our budget, we are asking that you consider us as the destination for your Maaser/tithe giving and do as much as you can to help us.  Please note that membership includes seats for the High Holidays.

The Gemara promises that Hashem will repay our tithing with abundance – please give generously.  

We look forward to a New Year replete, Be’Ezrat Hashem, with abundance of Torah, blessings, and joy.

Ari Afilalo
Itai Azulay,
Vice President

High Holidays 5784

On Rosh Hashana, we will pray in our Makom, and on Yom Kippur we will pray in the Ballroom (Third Floor).  

For both H’agim, we will give priority seating to our regular members. Please sign up on this link, indicating the number of adults (women and men, including guests), for whom you want to reserve a seat for Rosh Hashana and/or Yom Kippur.

We are adding 30 temporary seats to the synagogue for Rosh Hashana, bringing capacity to approximately 140.  We expect that all of those seats will have been allocated to the regulars and their family/visitors.  

We will operate the regular children's groups throughout the Haggim.  For children who are too young for groups, given the space constraints, we ask that you kindly plan to seat them on your lap.  We appreciate your understanding.

For Yom Kippur, we will have approximately 250 seats in the Ballroom.  Once we have registered all regulars, we will offer the available seats for sale to the general public.

As you know, this is the time when we raise funds that allow us to operate throughout the year.  In the past, we have taken time out of Tefilah auction off Alyot and other Kibudim.  This year, we will rely on you to renew your membership on this link: and to pledge the annual amount that you are comfortable with.  As always, pledges can be paid over time in installments.

In synagogue, we will only offer the Birkot Hashanah, as well as selected Kibudim (Parnasa etc.), and we will distribute Alyot etc. ahead of time to the regular members.  When you register, please indicate any request you may have.

We have accomplished so much LeShem Shamayim  in the last few years – thank you for the support, dedication, and heart that all of you have put in our beautiful Kehillah!  May this be a sweet, healthy, and successful new year, and may we continue to grow closer to Hashem as a unified and loving Kehillah.

Sign up to join on this link:

This year again, we are delighted to have the best Hazzanim team in town in the long lineage of our cherished Sephardic tradition

Babysitting services will be available.

Friday, September 15th - Erev Rosh Hashana 

6:15 a.m. Selihot, followed by Shaharit and Hatarat Nedarim
6:10 p.m. third and last opportunity for Hatarat Nedarim before Rosh Hashana
6:47 p.m. Candle lighting
6:30 p.m. Minh’a /Arvit

Saturday, September 16th - 1st day of Rosh Hashana 

8:30 a.m. Shaharit
10:45 a.m. Musaf
7:25 p.m.:  Arvit
7:40 p.m. Candle Lighting after 7 40 p.m.

Sunday, September 17th - 2nd day of Rosh Hashana 

8:30 a.m. Shaharit
10:45 a.m. Shofar
5:30 p.m. Minh’a, followed by Taskhlikh and Arvit
Tashlikh will be near the boat basin on the river (West 79th Street and Riverside Drive)
7:37 p.m. Havdalah 

Monday, September 18th - Tsom Gedaliah (Fast of Gedaliah) 

5:27 a.m. Beginning of Fast
7:20 p.m.  End of Fast

Friday, September 22th – Erev Shabbat Shuva

6:35 p.m. Candle Lighting
7 p.m. Minh’a /Arvit

Saturday,  September 23rd - Shabbat Shuva

9 a.m. Shaharit
6:15 p.m. Minh’a followed by Seuda Shelishit Arvit
7:33 p.m. Havdala

Sunday, September 24th - Erev Yom Kippur

2 p.m. Minh’a followed b y Hatarat Nedarim
6:32 p.m. Candle Lighting
6:45 p.m. Beginning of Fast
6:30 p.m. Lekha Eli, followed by Kol Nidrei

Monday, September 25th - Yom Kippur

8:30am Shaharit
11:30 a.m. Musaf
3:45 p.m. Minh’a
5:50 p.m. Ne’ila
7:23 p.m. Yom Kippur ends, Shofar, Arvit, Havdalah and Birkat Halevana

More information

Yamim Noraim is a very special time at WSSS. The tefillot are beautiful and always sung in unison. 

If you have any questions about High Holiday Services, please email

Child Care

Child care will be providing during Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. 

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785